The Witch who wanted to be Happy

The witch took the advice of the mirror and looked at herself, for the first time in a long time, with love. She saw her wrinkles and felt how beautiful they truly were. She saw her grey hair and felt its softness. Once upon a time, there was the evil witch of the story of Snow White, who, contrary … Continue reading The Witch who wanted to be Happy

The Traveler and the Big Bag of Stones

“With every mistake I make, another stone appears in my bag. I am afraid to do many things that are necessary to grow up, like riding a bicycle, driving a car, falling in love, chasing success, building a family, making dreams come true... I am afraid to do them because I am afraid to make … Continue reading The Traveler and the Big Bag of Stones

The little girl who wanted to live a life of Freedom

Disappointed, she returned to the sign post and to her big surprise and relief, saw that there was another sign partly hidden by some vines Once upon a time there was a little girl who knew all she wanted was a life of freedom. She grew up in the Land of Safety, a mythical place … Continue reading The little girl who wanted to live a life of Freedom

The Greatest Queen there ever was

“You are exactly where you were before, only you stepped through a magical door.” Once upon a time there was a queen of a beautiful kingdom, who lived happily ever after with her king. They had met in a crazy, fairy tale story and were now living their lives together. There was however one question … Continue reading The Greatest Queen there ever was

The Apprentice and the Serpent

He kept collecting more and more things to do and never got around to doing them all, until he felt like he was walking with a hundred things on his back. Cobalt the Great's gaze was fixed on the clock on the back wall of the classroom. The minutes were ticking by and still no … Continue reading The Apprentice and the Serpent

The Lost Goal and Father Time

Once upon a time, there was a woman who was looking for her goal in life because she lost it on the way. She looked under rocks and she looked into the pond, she asked the fish “What is my goal?”, but the fish did not respond. “I know I used to know,” she said … Continue reading The Lost Goal and Father Time

The Forgotten Quest

With every arrow that hit her, she felt as if a piece of the armor that was holding her captive, fell off. Once upon a time, there was a a little girl who was cursed when she was very young by an evil witch. On the 10th birthday party of the little girl, the evil … Continue reading The Forgotten Quest

The Fairy Grandmother

He shouted so loudly and so fiercely, that the Fairy Grandmother who lives in a house in the clouds, heard his cry. Once upon a time there was a little boy who was having a hard time in life. He hated himself and he felt that people were horrible, because they would always betray him … Continue reading The Fairy Grandmother

The Two-Headed Dragon of Guilt and Shame

"Give it to me, I will no longer resist or fight back, devour me whole, I will be living my life and doing what I want to do, regardless of you!” Once upon a time there was a young girl called Lyza, who had gotten captured by the Two-Headed Dragon of Guilt and Shame. The … Continue reading The Two-Headed Dragon of Guilt and Shame

The Rainbow Fish and the Two Fairies

'You are magical too, and you could fly as high is you would like, but you are hiding who you are and we are showing it!' Once upon a time there was a little girl who felt very proud of all the things she could do. She was a great painter and a great singer … Continue reading The Rainbow Fish and the Two Fairies